Empires of Steel - FAQ

When will the game be available?

What platforms does Empires of Steel run on?

    It runs on Windows.  At this point, there are no plans to release it on other platforms.

Is there a “play by email” option?

    No.  Multiplayer games can only be played while connected (internet, LAN, or home network) to the other players’ computers.

Do I have to wait while other players take their turn?

    No, all players input their turns simultaneously and then the game resolves any conflicts. The intention is to avoid having players sit around while another player does their turn.

Can I buy it in stores?

    Those details are being worked out.  At the very least, you’ll be able to download the game from this website or have a CD shipped after ordering the game online.

How can I find other players to play against?

    This website will host a service for players to find each other via chat and/or message board.

What are the system requirements for the game?

    The game is not very intensive, but it does requires a graphics accelerator (it works perfectly well using a laptop integrated graphics card). It also requires at least 1 GB of memory, 200 MB of disk space, and Windows XP or a later Windows Operating System. There is a free demo version, which will give potential buyers a chance to test the ability of their computer to handle the game.

How is the demo version different than the full version?

    The demo version is restricted in a few ways. Players cannot load or save maps/scenarios in the map editor. Players will be able do single-player and multiplayer games, but will also be restricted to one or two maps. The demo is free.

    (This FAQ was updated on November 27, 2009.)